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More details of some examples of waterproof microphones and speakers are discussed in U. S. patent application Ser. No. 15/209,735, filed Jul. 13, 2016, titled “Magnetic Mount Assembly of a Camera,” which is hereby incorporated by its entirety.

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01.14.2007 | 34 Comments

7A and 7B are a front view and a rear view of a doorbell camera 106 in accordance with some implementations. The doorbell camera 106 integrates a camera module and a doorbell system within a device housing 702. The camera module includes a lens assembly 704 and an image sensor that are configured to capture images, and a wireless transceiver that is configured to exchange data with a remote server over one or more wireless communication networks. The doorbell system is configured to ring a remote chime device in response to a press on a button top 706 of a button assembly. The device housing 702 has a substantially elongated shape. Optionally, the elongated shape has a width that is less than a width of most doorframes available in the market, such that the doorbell camera 106 can be directly mounted on a commonly available doorframe. In some implementations, the lens assembly 704 of the camera module is disposed within a top half of the device housing 702, and the button top 706 of the doorbell system is disposed on a bottom half of the device housing 702. When the doorbell camera 106 is mounted on a wall surface or a doorbell frame, the lens assembly 704 is located on top of the button top 706, thereby allowing a field of view of the lens assembly 704 to remain clear when a user presses the button top 706. Referring to FIGS. 7A and 7B, in this example, the device housing 702 includes an elongated body and two semicircular ends, and the elongated body has a width substantially equal to a diameter of the two semicircular ends. The lens assembly 704 is concentric with a top one of the two semicircular ends, and the button top 706 is concentric with a bottom one of the two semicircular ends.

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01.14.2007 | 16 Comments

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